I think being able to virtually travel the world through DinnerTalk has been so interesting! And I feel like I'm continuously learning things that I would normally only learn through living there! So here are a few of the things that I learnt this week:
1. We're in that time of year when clocks change. But I'm learning that every country changes on different days! For example, here in Canada, we changed the clocks on November 1st, but Europe and Mexico changed them on October 25th, and New Zealand changed them on September 27th. And then there are countries like Columbia which don't change at all! So it's been a little chaotic these past couple of weeks, with DinnerTalk being such an international endeavor!
2. In Spain, garbage collection isn't done on a house-by-house basis. Instead, there are communal garbage bins that neighbors on the street use. These bins are emptied every night (here it is once a week). And you aren't allowed to put your garbage into the bin before 7pm, to cut down on garbage smells. Here we too have times when you can and can't leave your garbage bin out, but that is because of the bear population that will go through the garbage bins if they're left out overnight!
3. In Ireland, bonfires are often a common part of the Halloween experience. Move over to the UK, and bonfires frequently occur a few days later on Guy Fawkes night (November 5). And did you know that there is a tradition in the UK to throw a mannequin on the bonfire?! There is a whole history behind that, but I won't get into it here!
'Till next week!
Omg the daylight savings thing KILLS me. Why world why?!
So interesting! Love learning about what's going on in different cities all over the world through interactions with others.