Food! It seems we can't get away from the topic!
1. It was also another week of noticing the differences between Canada and the US - this time, in the form of candy! Canadian Smarties are chocolate candies, but the American version of Smarties are what Canadians would call 'Rockets' (small discs of pressed candy powder). And with a bit more digging, I found out that the Coffee Crisp and Aero chocolate bars aren't available in the US either!
2. Whether you're into SPAM or not, it was interesting to learn that there is a SPAM museum in Minnesota, USA. (And they are currently offering free virtual tours, so if you're looking for a unique 'outing', check it out here!) Did you also know that there are quite a few varieties of SPAM, which are tailored towards different countries preferences? Here is the list of SPAM varieties!
3. Would you eat seafood for breakfast? We got on a discussion one day about what foods we have culturally normalized to be 'breakfast foods', and for the majority of the group in the chat, seafood for breakfast wasn't a thing. Yet in Jamaica, Ackee and Saltfish is a common breakfast dish. On a side note, ackee is a very interesting fruit - if not prepared right, it is actually toxic!
'til next week!