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3 things I learnt (Mar. 1)


To be able to sit at home and have a group chat with people across the US, Jamaica, the Netherlands, etc., is still such a treat! When do you ever have conversations with such a broad range of people whose sole bond is their love of conversation and connecting with new people?

1. Every family has their own 'cures' for ailments and sicknesses. My family's is, 'have a hot bath and go to bed'. Last week we heard about one family who would say, 'rub some overproof rum on your face'! So, this week we'll be talking about family remedies. With our cultural diversity, I think it'll be super interesting to hear what everyone's family 'cure-all' is!

2. Internet. With it being such an integral part of our life, it is hard to imagine a place where Internet isn't readily available. I'm familiar with being in 'out of service' areas, but Antarctica is different all together—you literally CANNOT access Internet whenever you want! Instead, you have to schedule your access times, and even when you do have access, the Internet is limited—no Skype, Netflix, or any other high bandwidth activities. I guess we'll never have a DinnerTalk participant who is presently residing in Antarctica! If you want the full scoop on Internet access in Antarctica, here is a fun article.

3. Baby crows take 1-2 weeks to learn how to fly—yet in that time they are out of the nest and on the ground. But their size is that of an adult crow, so it is often confusing to by-standers as to whether or not the animal is in distress when it is spotted on the ground. The literature on this (it is a big deal in places like Vancouver!) says to keep an eye on the little one to see if there are any obvious issues like blood or a broken wing, and if the parents come back with food (they will every few hours), before calling the wildlife rescue association.

'til next week,


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