One thing I saw in a chat this week that really made me laugh was snowflake fairy lights! It was a good reminder that while I might be looking out my window at a foot of snow, for others around the world the only snow they will experience is what comes out of a plastic mold or from a paper cutout! Anyways, on to a few things I learnt this week:
1. Domestic house pigs (I don't know about wild or farm pigs) really DO NOT like to be picked up and will scream bloody murder for the duration of the time that their feet are off the ground! Just in case you ever feel the need to pick up a pig.... :)
2. Have you ever heard of renting a Christmas tree?! I hadn't, but the concept came up in a chat, and it turns out it is totally a thing you can do! Nurseries will rent (and deliver, depending on where you are!) a live, potted tree. It ends up being less messy, as live trees don't shed their needles, and the trees are re-used year after year.
3. Even though international travel isn't really the norm right now, I would highly recommend checking out the Singapore International Airport online! The Jewel terminal is really something to experience, as opposed to quickly transit through. The have the normal things like shops and restaurants, but then they also have walking trails, an insane amount of plants, and the world's tallest indoor waterfall at 130 feet!
'til next week!
PS - my friend Hannah from the Living Well Alone Project recently launched her new and improved website - you can check it out here: She has lots of great tips for living alone (if that is applicable to you) or it is just a great, positive read if you feel like a boost of positivity!